Saturday, November 2, 2019

Terpenes ... More than what hits the nose!

The "What Are Terpenes" page is up and I hope you will find it useful! Terpenes are what give cannabis its smell, but they are so much more than just a scent. Let's breakdown their effects here.

is one of my favorites and is the most abundant terpene found in cannabis. It will make you sedated and relaxed. If you enjoy the psychoactive effects of THC, Myrcene has been found to enhance these effects. It also has anti-bacterial properties and is an anti-inflammatory. 

Also found in: Bay leaves, hops

What to expect: Sleepy, Relaxed, Enhanced THC effects

is wonderful for relaxing, sleep, and pain relief. It has been found to be a muscle relaxant as well. It is FDA approved as safe for consumption.

Also found in: Cloves, hops, basil, oregano, black pepper, lavender, rosemary

What to expect: Sleepy, Relaxed

is a big one for anxiety. It also helps with depression and stress, while not producing sedative effects. New studies have shown that it can relieve heartburn.

Also found in: Cloves, hops, basil, oregano, black pepper, lavender, rosemary

What to expect: Elevated Mood

will increase your alertness, and put you in a more energetic mood. It will counteract the short-term memory loss effects when consuming too much THC. If you tend to get anxious/paranoid when consuming marijuana containing THC, look for strains high in Pinene.

A recent study shows Pinene may be helpful for asthma, as it opens up the bronchial airways.

Also found in: Pine Needles

What to expect: Uplifted mood, increased focus

is most often found as a perfume in cleaning products but is also FDA-approved as safe for consumption. It is sedating and calming. Medical benefits include anti-anxiety, anti-depression, stress relief, and insomnia relief. 

Also found in: Lavender, Cilantro, Basil

What to expect: Sleepy, Calming

has a lot of potential medical benefits. It acts as an appetite suppressant, is anti-bacterial and an anti-inflammatory. A study done in 2016 shows it has anticancer properties. 

Also found in: Hops, Wood, Basil, Cloves

What to expect: Mild sedation

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